Wills & Estate Planning

image2Many people put off getting a Will until they are elderly, but even young people should prepare and plan ahead.  If you have children, you will want to make sure that you have a guardian appointed to care for them in your Will.  In addition, a properly drafted Will minimizes disputes by designating heirs and specifying what each will inherit upon your death. The Gordon Law Firm will assist you in developing an estate plan suited to your specific needs.  There are many other estate planning considerations in addition to a simple Will, including what will happen if you are unable to make decisions because of illness or incompetence:

  • A Durable Power of Attorney allows your designated agent to make financial decisions for you.
  • A Living Will clarifies your wishes as to end-of-life medical intervention.
  • A Health Care Power of Attorney enables a loved one to make medical decisions on your behalf.

All of these documents should be considered in setting up a comprehensive estate plan.